ILMA Conference July 2024: Strengthening Lebanon’s Healthcare Together – A Global Commitment

Outcomes and Recommendations from
ILMA's Conference in Beirut

We are excited to share details of the extraordinary conference held by the Lebanese International Medical Association (ILMA) at the Phoenicia Hotel in Beirut on July 5-6, 2024. This event marked a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance Lebanon’s healthcare system. Below are the key sessions, activities, and outcomes from the conference:

Key Sessions and Activities
Collaboration and Support for Lebanon

  • The conference focused on strengthening the Lebanese health system by leveraging the expertise of the Lebanese diaspora and advancing academic medical education.
  • Workshops on clinical skills and disaster medicine were conducted, alongside various working groups drafting a memorandum of understanding.
  • An agreement was signed between the pharmaceutical sectors of Lebanon and Australia, marking a significant step towards international collaboration.

Scholarships and Awards

  • ILMA-USA generously funded scholarships worth $275,000 for Lebanese medical students to study and conduct research in the United States.
  • A special award for medical excellence was presented, highlighting our commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent.

Conference Highlights

  • Supported by the Ministry of Health, the event saw the participation of the Lebanese Minister of Health, Dr. Firas Abiad.
  • For the first time, international health professionals collaborated with the Lebanese Ministries of Public Health, Industry, and Foreign Affairs, as well as local health colleagues.
  • ILMA’s founders outlined four critical focus areas:
    1. Strengthening the health system by establishing cost-effective clinics across Lebanon.
    2. Creating strong links with the Ministry of Health, Parliament, and relevant unions for a stable exchange of expertise and support.
    3. Enhancing medical education by forming teams to create productive programs, exchange research, and assist students.
    4. Preparing for emergencies with proactive protection programs and specialized teams to coordinate with Lebanese counterparts on disaster responsiveness.

Blood Donation Booth

  • In collaboration with the Red Cross, a blood donation booth was organized, demonstrating our commitment to immediate and practical health support.

Support ILMAUSA Foundation's Mission:

The ILMAUSA Foundation is committed to advancing medical education, research, and healthcare support in both Lebanon and the United States. Your donation directly supports critical initiatives, including the provision of essential medical supplies and funding for student research through our Research Sponsorship Program (IRSP). Join us in making a meaningful impact by selecting an option below.

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